Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wireless Patent Monetization New Business Model

Investment in early stage patent combined with well tailored value creation methodology can develop a new business model for patent monetization.


1. Candidate Selection.

a. For non-IPR holders:

Review the current market demand (including patent lawsuits) and standardization status for selecting acquisition subject matter.

*Possible subject matter could be selected from LTE (including LTE-Advanced), WiFi (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad/af), WRAN (IEEE 802.22), Zigbee (IEEE 802.15), and NFC/RFID.
Review and select the current published applications pending in USPTO.

Acquire the candidate.

b. For IPR holders:

Audit the current IPR holder’s patent portfolios.

Categorize the identified patents through the evaluation process by technology and standards.

Review the current published applications pending in USPTO.

Select the candidate.

2. Development

Investigate embodiments that can support the rewriting of existing claim.

Construct the new claims considering the prosecution history.

Analyze for invalidity and design around.

Prosecute for patent granting with new claims.

3. Monetization.

For more information, please contact Alex Lee at .

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