Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cognitive Radio Patent Landscape 2010 1Q

Cognitive Radio is an emerging technology for intelligent wireless communications. Cognitive Radio is able to dynamically adapt to radio environment to maximize the flexible utilization of the limited spectrum resources.

To find the key IPR holders for the Cognitive Radio, a keyword search of the global patent data bases (USPTO, EPO, JPO, and WIPO (PCT)) has been performed. As of March 31 2010, the key IPR holders and their IPR share for the Cognitive Radio (total of 360 published and issued patent applications) are as follows:

Motorola (49, 14%), Samsung (49, 14%), Qualcomm (28, 8%), Nokia (27, 8%), Philips (19, 5%), ETRI (15, 4%), Toshiba (14, 4%), MS (13, 4%), HONG KONG UST (12, 3%), and STMicroelectronics (11, 3%).

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1 comment:

SpeedSynch said...

The next critical step in cognitive radio is understanding how to get the right content to the right person.

We show how this is done with Twitter software tools.
