Via Licensing Issues Call for LTE (Long Term Evolution) Essential Patents
San Francisco, May 7, 2009—Via Licensing Corporation today announced a call for patents that are essential to the practice of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) platform, which is based on the E-UTRA (3GPP Series 36, release 8,) specifications.
“Several of the world’s leading mobile carriers, handset makers, and equipment makers have identified LTE as a strategic priority,” said Jean-Michel Bourdon, President, Via Licensing. “Via Licensing is committed to working with the industry to create a joint licensing program that balances the needs of licensors and licensees and enables the industry to more effectively develop and deliver products and services based on LTE.”
LTE is a next-generation wireless broadband technology designed to provide an enhanced user experience and simplified technology for a broad range of enterprise and consumer applications. Potential LTE applications include enhanced voice communications, messaging, interactive video and television, gaming, social media, and entertainment services. LTE technology will work across multiple fixed and mobile terminals including future mobile phones, notebook PCs, media players, game players, cameras, camcorders, and other portable devices.
Additional information about LTE is available at from the 3rd Generation Partnership Program Project (3GPP) at www.3gpp.org/lte. Copies of the specifications related to LTE (3GPP Series 36, release 8) can be obtained from the 3GPP at www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/html-info/36-series.htm.
Via Licensing is issuing this patent call for the purpose of identifying the owners of patents that are determined to be essential to the practice of the LTE platform and related specifications. A patent is essential if it contains at least one independent claim that is necessarily infringed by the practice of the standard.
Any entity with a patent or patent application that is found to be essential by an independent patent evaluator is invited to join a group of essential patent holders that plan to convene to discuss the commercial terms of a joint patent license to be offered under reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms.
Any entity that believes it has patents or pending patent applications that are essential to the normative portions of the related 3GPP Series 36, release 8 specification (see the following Schedule of Included LTE Specifications table) is invited to contact Via Licensing to receive information about how to submit patents for essentiality review.
Via Licensing invites parties interested in discussing the opportunity to participate in an LTE patent licensing program to contact the company at lte@vialicensing.com.
For complete submission information, interested parties should email submissions@vialicensing.com, specifying an interest in submitting a patent or patent application for consideration of essentiality to the LTE Platform Joint Patent Licensing Program.
SISVEL Announces Development of a Joint Patent Licensing Programand Issues a Call for Patents Essential for LTE
Turin, Italy – 11 May 2009 – Following talks with the stakeholders in the LTE fieldworldwide that began last year and culminated in April 2009 in a presentation on thebenefits of an LTE patent pool delivered to the IPR Plenary Assembly of the NextGeneration Mobile Network Alliance (founded by the leading mobile networkoperators and supported by more than 50 key industry players, including majoroperators, manufacturers, and vendors), today SISVEL issued a call for patents andpatent applications that are essential to the LTE standard.
SISVEL’s call is intended to lead to the creation of a joint licensing program to makeLTE technology accessible to all users on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatoryterms and conditions. Sisvel has significant experience arranging joint licensingprograms in the field of mobile telecommunications technology, including programsbased on the CDMA2000 and DVB-H standards.All parties holding a patent or patent application that they believe to be essential forLTE are invited to apply for a review of essentiality by an independent evaluatordesignated by Sisvel. All parties with a successful evaluation of essentiality will thenbe invited to join the process to create the licensing program. Applications forpatent evaluations are requested to be filed as soon as possible and detailedinformation on patent submission procedures can be obtained from SISVEL bysending an email to the following address: LTE@sisvel.com.
In issuing the call for patents, Gian Antonio Pancot, Chief Executive Officer ofSISVEL, noted: “Sisvel is ready to offer its global presence and experience infacilitating patent pools in the mobile communications industry to help create an LTE joint patent licensing program and, thanks to Sisvel’s clear independence, we areconfident that we can equitably represent the interests of all sides in this process,”adding “this innovative technology has tremendous potential for the mobile industryand we will work with patent holders to establish licensing terms and conditions assoon as possible to provide certainty and predictability to all users and potentialusers, as well as the applicable regulatory bodies.”
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