Tuesday, September 22, 2009

LTE Strategic Options: Samsung+Ericsson Alliance

Based on TechIPm's recent analysis for LTE essential patent candidates among LTE mobile phone competitors (http://techipm-innovationfrontline.blogspot.com/2009/09/lte-mobile-phone-competitor-analysis.html) and among LTE infrastructure equipment competitors (http://techipm-innovationfrontline.blogspot.com/2009/09/ericssons-lte-patent-landscape.html), a possible scenario for strategic business alliance between Samsung (mobile phone manufacturer) and Ericsson (infrastructure equipment manufacturer) is analyzed.

Samsung+Ericsson's combined LTE patent portfolio for the LTE commercial product (baseband modem and protocol stack) appeared to be very competitive and complementary each other in making up the Samsung's HW oriented and Ericsson's SW oriented LTE innovations.

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