Thursday, August 20, 2009

LG's LTE IPR Analysis: Essential Patent Candidates for OFDM/MIMO Standards

To evaluate the quality of LG's LTE IPR for OFDM/MIMO standards, patent disclosures for each essential patent candidate are compared to the technical specifications for LTE OFDM/MIMO standards (TS36.211 V8.70). Total of 16 patent applications published in the United States before Aug. 1 2009 in the lists of patents declared essential to LTE appear at the ETSI IPR Online are used in the analysis.

As for the most described field of technical specification, Physical Random Access Channel (PRACH; Section 5.7) was the top in LG's OFDM/MIMO essential patent candidates.

As a measure for the essentiality of the candidates, Essentiality Index (EI) is evaluated:

EI : Criteria
E0 : Patent disclosure is nothing to do with LTE technical specifications
E1 : Patent disclosure is weakly related to LTE technical specifications
E2 : Patent disclosure is partially related to LTE technical specifications, but required further analysis
E3 : Patent disclosure is partially related to LTE technical specifications
E4 : Patent disclosure is related to LTE technical specifications overall
E5 : Patent disclosure is strongly related to LTE technical specifications

Only 18% of the LG's OFDM/MIMO essential patent candidates are classified as E2 and E0.

Nearly 90 % (eight E3, three E4, and two E5) of the LG's OFDM/MIMO essential patent candidates are classified as high value of EI for the essentiality.

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